About "Green Impact Go"

Green Impact GO 2024
GREEN IMPACT - a global trend to make positive environmental effects to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability.

Achieving net-zero emissions is a crucial step toward global sustainable development. Various industries are setting their goals to achieve this objective.

Green Impact Go, initiated by Green Power, collaborates with different corporations, NGOs, and schools to promote a low-carbon lifestyle and gradually achieve net-zero carbon emissions.

Every year, starting from “6.5 World Environment Day”, let’s work together continuously all year round to contribute to the Earth and the environment! This programme is open for participation throughout the year. We sincerely invite all sectors to collaborate, implement ESG, and strive to achieve the United Nations SDGs and Hong Kong’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal at the same time.

World Environmental Day - Green Impact Go  | Carbon Neutrality | Green Power

What’s our target?

Green Impact Gowould like to invite all corporations, NGOs, and schools to join asGreen Impact Partners, to achieve GLOBAL Climate Targets Collectively.

Global Climate Targets

Carbon Reduction
Global greenhouse gas emissions need to peak no later than 2025 and be reduced by 43% by 2030 to limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C.

"Green Impact Go 2024" Target

3kg^CO₂ emission per person

^Based on the calculation of Hong Kong's carbon reduction target of 3.3-3.8 tonnes per capita by 2030, an estimated weekly reduction target of 3kg has been computed.
How to Join