How to Join

Join as Green Impact Partners

Joining forces to make a difference

Exclusive Environmental Activities

As the “Earth Hero” and “Earth Advocate"^ of “Green Impact Partners”, your corporation will receive at least one exclusive green activity in a year. You can choose a date to participate in the selected event.

^There are three participation levels for corporations to join, "Earth Hero", "Earth Advocate" and "Earth Ambassador".  For more details, please contact us.

Guided Ecological Tours
“Nature Walk” Guided Ecological Tours

Green Impact Go - Green Seminar | Environmental and ecological themes | Green Power
Hiking Trail Clean-up
Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power
Coastal Clean-up

Green Impact Go - Invasive Species Removal Action, restoring natural habitats | Green Power
Invasive Species Removal Action

Green Impact Go - Green Seminar | Environmental and ecological themes | Green Power
Green Seminar

Green Impact Challenge

(Optional to join)

5 Low Carbon Actions
Plastic Fee: Say No to single-use plastics | Green Impact Challenge – Low Carbon Actions | Green Power
Plastic Free Go

Say no to single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, bottles, and disposable plastic utensils.

Recycling: Proper and Clean Recycling; MSW Charging | Green Impact Challenge – Low Carbon Actions | Green Power
Recycling Go

Adopt proper and clean recycling (including paper, plastic, metal, glass, and old clothes).

Meat Free: at least 1 vegetarian meal per week | Green Impact Challenge – Low Carbon Actions | Green Power
Meat Free Go

Have at least one vegetarian meal per week.

More Walking instead of using transportation and elevators | Green Impact Challenge – Low Carbon Actions | Green Power
More Walking Go

Take public transport / walking instead of driving for a short-distance journey; Use stairs instead of elevators.

Energy Saving: Reduce the use of electronic devices | Green Impact Challenge – Low Carbon Actions | Green Power
Energy Saving Go

Reduce the use of electronic devices during your leisure time, and go for physical activities or walks instead.

Complete the challenge and get the exclusive Carbon Reduction Achievement Report

Steps of Challenge

Select a timeframe of at least one week, and encourage staff members to take the 5 designated actions^.

^ Each staff member can take one or more actions based on their daily habits.


Staff members submit their individual achievements through the online platform.


Green Power will perform data audit and provide all Green Impact Partners with an exclusive carbon reduction achievement report.

TARGET: Achieve an average of 3kg CO₂ reduction per person
to earn Green Impact Award

Ecological Conservation Action

On “World Environment Day”, 5th June every year, we will invite all “Green Impact Partner” to participate in ecological conservation actions, taking action to conserve nature and jointly commit to making a positive impact on the environment.

The theme and details of the 5 June 2025 event will be announced later.

6.5 World Environment Day in 2024 : Coastal Cleanup Action

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

Over a hundred Green Impact Partners’ representatives from corporations, NGOs, and schools joined forces to clean up 408kg of coastal waste, to conserve our nature. They have also pledged to promote waste reduction at source and implement low-carbon living practices in their respective organisations, to achieve net zero carbon emissions in Hong Kong!

We welcome more corporations and organisations to join as "Green Impact Partners". For more information, please contact us.

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

Green Impact Go -  Coastal Clean-up, avoiding the waste flowing back into the ocean | Green Power

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

Green Impact Go -  Coastal Clean-up, avoiding the waste flowing back into the ocean | Green Power

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

Green Impact Go -  Coastal Clean-up, avoiding the waste flowing back into the ocean | Green Power

Green Impact Go - Coastal Clean-up, contributing to the conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems | Green Power

You can achieve:

Collective Reduction

Reduce 3kg of CO₂ emissions per person, making a tangible impact on the global reduction target.

Carbon Reduction Achievement Report

Green Power will provide all Green Impact Partners an exclusive “Carbon Reduction Achievement Report” for the Green Impact Challenge.

Green Impact Award

Compete for the Green Impact Award which marks your commitment to environmental sustainability.